T H E M O N S T E R S I N V A S I O N O F F A N L I N T R O P A C A Science Fiction Story by Cadecraft 2016 - 2017 ---- Table of Contents Prologue Page 3 The Monster’s Discovery Page Part I - Start Attack Robot Page The End of Creatonia Page The Fanlintropacian’s Weapon Page Safe for now Page An Attack Page The Alert Page The Ruins Page Back to Creatonia Page The Discovery of Ferlanterpec Page The Monsters of Ferlanterpec Page The Battle of Ferlanterpec Page Creatonia’s Exploration Page The Invasion of Creatonia Page The Red Caverns Page Part II - Start The Monsters of the Caverns Page The Egg Part 1 Page Sounds in the Deep Page The Egg Part 2 Page The Cavern of Ferlanterpec Page The Egg part 3 Page The Second Invasion of Ferlanterpec Page The Plasma Bombers Page The Egg Part 4 Page A New Solar System Page The Egg Part 5 Page The Red Giant of Zentalompur Page The Egg Part 6 Page The Ruins of Zentalompur Page The Ship on Azokowant Page The Crystals Page A Mutant Animal Part 1 Page Cavern of Creatonia Page A Mutant Animal Part 2 Page Chapter Page Prologue Fanlintropac (fan-LINCH-row-pack) was a planet where many aliens lived, called Fanlintropacians (fan-LINCH-row-pack-ians). They lived all around their solar system too, when they started to send ships to other planets. Fanlintropacians live until about 100 Fanlintropac years old, which are slightly shorter than Earth years. The normal adult Fanlintropacian ranges from 7 to 8 feet tall. It was a dark night on Fanlintropac. Everything was quiet, except for a zoompod track with some Fanlintropacians going to the Zowlaao Spaceport. They were going to the planet Creatonia (Kree-CHO-nee-uh), one of the many Fanlintropacian planets, but one of the most famous. It was discovered long ago, in the Old Times, when the only solar system that Fanlintropacians lived on was their home one. Soon the Newer Times would come, which is when they live in other solar systems. The Future Times will be when they live in other galaxies. Now, they were in the Old Times. They discovered all of the planets in their solar system, and built cities on all of them except 3 small, cold planets around the edges of the solar system which were not easy places to live in. The newer times would begin once they moved to new solar systems. The future times would be when they moved to new galaxies. In a day of a normal Fanlintropacian, they would wake up shortly after dawn, and would go to the Zoompod track (a free to use transportation device commonly used around the end of the Old Times and beginning of the Newer Times that would connect to each building, usually elevated 5 stories above the ground) to mainly 3 possible destinations. First, would be the town Spaceport where many people had their own ships, where some people went to work on other planets. Second, they might be going to a place to work in the city or in other cities (the Zoompod track connected between all cities and buildings). Lastly, they may not be working that day and just doing something fun, like going to the Museum of Alien Artifacts and Materials or maybe even the Animals and Creatures Park (both of those places are normally in most big cities). After they leave somewhere, around the middle of the day they would take the Zoompod track to a food restaurant. Most days they only had a “lunch”, but it is big. This would seem strange to humans, but most of the food restaurants were only open around the middle of the day because of that reason. Then, they would return to their home and rest. That time from the middle of the day to the end was considered a time to relax to every normal Fanlintropacian. Actually, the only people that don’t rest around that time are “Protectors”, which protect the city from any hostile creatures or enemy aliens. (see appendix for full information) Part I The First Attacks I The Monster’s Discovery The monster thought, “That was a great meal.” It flew to the next planet with its jetpack. The planet was only just an asteroid, a floating rock. Then, the next planet was a great surprise. It was large, and had water: a good sign. The monster saw some small creatures walking through one of the large deserts. It ate them. They were good. The monster used its solar-powered communication device to contact more monsters. They would invade the planet. It saw some more monster ships landing. They had actually arrived near the city Zhutelop (zoo-TELL-op) on a planet called Creatonia (Kree-CHO-nee-uh) to the inhabitants of it, the Fanlintropacians (fan-LINCH-row-pack-ians). They were an advanced alien species, and had taken over Creatonia long ago. But the Fanlintropacians’ home planet was Fanlintropac (fan-LINCH-row-pack). They were in control of the entire solar system and everything in it (except for the Central Star or the Sun) The monsters, being 14 to 50 feet tall, would seem much more powerful than the 5-foot tall Fanlintropacians, but actually they were very advanced. They had space travel and space vehicles that almost any Fanlintropacian owned, cities on all their explored planets, and much more technology that would take too long to explain. It would actually be a fair battle if the monsters and the Fanlintropacians fought, which they will. When the monsters arrived, of course, they didn’t know anything about the Fanlintropacians being there, so they just thought that they were the only very intelligent things on the planet. All went well for both the monsters and the Fanlintropacians, until the Fanlintropacians noticed the monsters. “We’ve spotted monsters in 5 different cities, and more reports are coming in,” the Fanlintropacian said. “Some kind of aliens are attacking the planet!” The Fanlintropacian called the Fanlintropacian in charge of doors and protection machines, Zoopioho. “Turn on all laser protection robots and lock all entrances except the Underground Exit 5. We’ll need somewhere to get away from the monsters.” But then, he could hear people screaming. There was an explosion sound and he could see outside the emergency lights flashing. “This will not be good,” he thought. “Quickly, send an attack robot and get a ship ready to go to Fanlintropac immediately.” II Attack Robot The monster was walking around the planet, looking for an animal to eat, when it heard a quiet noise behind it. It turned around and saw a small, white shape hovering above the ground. The shape was a Fanlintropacian attack robot. It started to glow, and the monster got hit with a strong laser beam and burned up! Another monster was attacked as well. The attack robot was too strong! The monsters had to leave the area because of the robots. The monsters moved to another area, but the same thing happened. More attack robots came. The robots must live here! But with robots, there must be other, living things. The monsters slowly figured out where the Fanlintropacians were. Even though the monsters couldn’t defeat the attack robots yet, they soon figured out a way. III The End of Creatonia The monsters began to find out how to defeat the attack robots and maybe even the Fanlintropacians. They have heat resistant skin, and their bodies develop small holes in their hands, which can actually catch on fire. The monsters could beat the Fanlintropacians easily now. So they started to attack. The Fanlintropacians had to leave fast, because monsters were somehow burning down their buildings, and destroying the attack robots. They had to get to Fanlintropac and find a way to stop the monsters before it was too late. The emergency lights started to flash and everyone started to run to the ships. The ships started to leave to go to Fanlintropac so they could escape, and inform everyone else about the monsters. Maybe there would be a way to defeat the monsters. The last ship finally rose into the air, heading quickly for Fanlintropac, on the other side of the sun. The planet of Creatonia was not seen to the Fanlintropacians again for a long time. On Creatonia, the monsters were ruining everything. They destroyed the Fanlintropacian cities and smashed everything else. They stayed in the forest areas though, because that was the only area they found and it had the best food. In that area, almost all Creatonia’s animals were eaten. They were getting very powerful and more monsters came to attack the other planets. IV The Fanlintropacian’s Weapon When the ships from Creatonia arrived, they immediately informed the F. H. A. P. G. (Fanlintropacian Hostile Alien Protection Group) about the monster attacks. Everyone now knew that there were “Huge, dangerous monsters that destroy everything they see”(Quote from the F. H. A. P. G, translated from Fanlintropacian) that might attack at any moment. When a Fanlintropacian inventor by the name of Zashonipon (Zash-onip-on) heard about this, he decided that he should create a weapon for people to use against the monsters. After 35 days, he successfully finished the product. It worked very well and after the F. H. A. P. G. tested it in a computer simulation against a monster, they allowed it to be used by regular Fanlintropacians. They started factories to create them to be transported to people around the solar system. They might be able to survive. Here is a description of how the monster smashers invented by Zashonipon worked. It looked like a large, white sphere. When a Fanlintropacian pressed a button on the side, the weapon would begin to glow with a neon light. In video from security cameras placed in some buildings on Creatonia, monsters tried to consume glowing things, so according to experiments done by Fanlintropacian scientists, the monsters would try to eat them. When the monster smashers touch a type of material called by Fanlintropacians zhalolor (zall-ull-er), which was found in saliva samples from monsters, they would explode because in it was hadolorr (had-all-or), which had an explosive chemical reaction with zhalolor. That would destroy the monster. Another possibility that was tested but proved too hard to create, was that after the explosion happened, it would hover back to its owner with a special tracker, but either the actual monster smasher would get destroyed in the explosion, or the zhalolor might melt the monster smasher, because it is known to sometimes be acidic. When those ideas failed, they just decided to make many non-reusable monster smashers. V Safe for now The monsters waited 20 Fanlintropacian years (a little shorter than length as earth years) and no Fanlintropacians came. They began to think that they could try to invade the other planets, but waited because they wanted to stay for a little to keep living on Creatonia peacefully and safely. The same thing happened to the Fanlintropacians. They started forgetting the monsters, so they started to explore more planets. They had already explored all the planets in their solar system, so they had to go to another. This was the beginning of the Newer Times. They got to the planet and some Fanlintropacians went to it, and named it Azokowant. They built a single large city there, and it grew bigger and bigger. The Fanlintropacians started to think that the monsters wouldn’t come anymore and were fine on Creatonia. Meanwhile, on Creatonia, the monsters heard about Azokowant. They decided to attack, when the Fanlintropacians weren’t ready. VI An Attack In the morning Goo, a new Fanlintropacian in Zenpalw, the only city on the planet Azokowant, was very excited. For the last 5 days, he had been planning a trip to the new Exploration of Creatonia Exhibit at the museum. He couldn’t believe that Wa, Oo, Ga, and Zit (the first people to step on the now-famous planet Creatonia) were actually there at the museum! They were going around to all of the big cities’ museums. They even let some people touch their ship, the first Fanlintropacian ship that landed on Creatonia! (Zit actually was in a different supply carrier, which crashed down on a hillside, so it couldn’t be displayed, although there was a museum on Creatonia at the crash site) Goo got out onto his 10-story high balcony Zoompod station and into a Zoompod and was starting to leave when a huge, 50 foot tall monster crashed into another, smaller building beneath the Zoompod track. It broke one of the supporting beams on the track and Goo’s zoompod went over a crack that crumbled and fell behind him. He was able to get out of the Zoompod on another tower right before the whole track fell onto the ground with a crash. Alarms were ringing. People were calling for help from Fanlintropac, but they were too far away. The ships couldn’t get there in time. The monster smashed down the tower right next to the one Goo was in when he was running down the emergency stairs to the bottom floor. Just as he got out the door, the building he was in collapsed. Very few buildings were left, and people were running out of the remaining ones and trying to get to a hidden cave in the cliff face where they might be able to survive. Goo followed, as quickly as he could. The final buildings were either hit by the monster or burned down. Goo and the others got to the cave, where they would be safe until the Fanlintropacian ships came. Later when he described the event, he said, “The monster was huge and it seemed like it was impossible to stop! The towers just crumbled like liquid* when it just touched them!” (*A popular Fanlintropacian saying meaning that something was destroyed very easily) (Quote from Goo, translated from Fanlintropacian) VII The Alert On Fanlintropac, there was an alert from Azokowant. It included a recording from a drone camera, which showed the monster destroying buildings and houses. When Fanlintropac recieved it, they sent Fanlintropacians with monster smashers to leave for Azokowant immediately. Their ships were very fast, so they could get to the planet as quickly as possible. The 6 ships were flying to Azokowant and approaching an asteroid ring around the planet when they saw the huge monster. It was leaving the planet with a strange, alien jetpack and a large oxygen mask, and it hadn’t seen them yet. But the Fanlintropacians started to get out monster smashers and wait for the monster. The Fanlintropacians put on oxygen masks and opened the side windows so they would be ready to throw the monster smashers. When the monster got there, it didn’t see the ships because they were in an asteroid ring that surrounded Azokowant, and the ships were of a grayish color. But then, one person activated a monster smasher and, seeing the glow, the monster headed towards the ship. The Fanlintropacian threw the monster smasher, but it hit an asteroid and shattered. The monster approached closer to the ship and was about to smash it, when, in another ship, someone else threw a monster smasher, which glowed in the darkness of space. The monster turned to look. VIII The Ruins The monster saw a glowing ball drifting next to one of the small asteroids. It flew over to the monster smasher and touched it. Nothing happened, so the monster ate it. The monster tried to fly away, but then the monster smasher reacted with the zhalolor and exploded. The monster was destroyed. The Fanlintropacians closed the side windows and continued to Azokowant. When they reached the planet, they saw the demolished city, Zenpalw. Towers were broken and crum across the cracked tuhenlau (Fanlintropacian substance similar to concrete, pronounced twenn-lao) streets. The remains of the Zoompod rails were twisted and bent. Everything was destroyed. They found, in caves in the jungle cliffs, the survivors of the attack. A person named Goo said, “The enormous monster smashed everything. I barely survived, and the tower I was in fell down just as I ran outside. It was terrible!” Many others, too, were sad. “It smashed my home into dust,” some people said. The Fanlintropacians that came let them get on the ships, then left to go back to the home planet, Fanlintropac. Other ships arrived to re-build the city. IX Back to Creatonia On Fanlintropac, the Fanlintropacian Missions Group was planning an expedition to Creatonia to remove the monsters and rebuild their cities. They sent armies of Fanlintropacian ships to Creatonia. Factories made millions of monster smashers, and they were being loaded into battle ships. One day, the monsters of Creatonia saw dark shapes in the sky. They grew larger and larger. Then, large, glowing spheres, the monster smashers, fell out of doors in the bellies of the dark shapes, which were the Fanlintropacian ships. It was the Battle of Creatonia. Back in the Fanlintropacian Missions Group’s office, people were watching the video feed from the observer drones, which were sent with the battle ships. The monsters were quickly getting destroyed, and the Fanlintropacians were winning. Some of the ships were leaving the group, spreading out to find any monsters that had left the main group to destroy them. When everything was done, all the Fanlintropacians landed in the cities and began to repair them. More supply carrier ships arrived, to help rebuild. Creatonia was once again an important, safe Fanlintropacian planet. X The Discovery of Ferlanterpec Back on the home planet of Fanlintropac, there was another ship launching. It was going to a new planet, without a name. The Fanlintropacians saw that it was close enough to try to get to, and it was in the same solar system as Azokowant, so if something went wrong there would be a safe place nearby. This new planet had a slightly poisonous atmosphere, and the ground was made of hard, rough, reddish orange rock. From far away it appeared like an orange sphere. Because of the planet’s slightly poisonous atmosphere, when the Fanlintropacians landed they had to wear oxygen masks before they generated an air purifier shield around the area that made the inside area safe to breathe in. They named the planet Ferlanterpec (fur-lan-ter-peck), which means in Fanlintropacian poisoned air. The explorers did not see any living things, and it did make sense because of the atmosphere. One of the explorers said, “I think that some alien creature might breathe that type of air though.” Everyone else thought that was not very likely, but in the end it turned out that his idea was more true than most people would think. Later that day, more ships arrived carrying supplies to build the city. Unlike most other Fanlintropacian cities, this one was arranged in the shape of a slightly bent line, with the buildings spread far apart, was very small, about one tenth the size of a small city on Fanlintropac, and its buildings were short, the tallest being four stories tall. Most buildings were tall, skinny towers but on Ferlanterpec, the buildings were very small and most houses were light gray, one-story, dome-shaped structures with few windows. The city only had 30 houses, 6 factories, 8 larger buildings, and 1 city protection building. There was a small zoompod track, too. The city took about 6 days to build, but more would be added later, like the flamethrower ship factory, and the Ferlanterpec Laboratory and Factory of Battle Vehicles. The city was happy and everything was perfect, until one day when the Fanlintropacians discovered that they weren’t the only things living on the planet of Ferlanterpec. XI The Monsters of Ferlanterpec A Fanlintropacian named Oo (Not the famous Oo from the exploration of creatonia) was leaving his half-sphere shaped house in “The Only City on Ferlanterpec”, as it became known to those living in it. Oo stepped outside when he saw large shapes moving towards him. At first, he thought they were those new, huge automatic mining drills, but then he realised that they moved a lot faster and smoother, and some were different sizes than others. Then, as they approached the light of his house, he noticed they weren’t the mining drills. They were the monsters that attacked so many other cities! There were three of them, but normally during these attacks more would come. Oo, very scared, ran into the house and quickly looked through the storage system computers to find the monster smasheres. It seemed that he got them 5 Fanlintropacian years ago, and when he finally got them, they did look very old. He went outside, where the monsters were now only about 20 feet away. Could he survive? He felt the smooth, white, metal surface of one of the sphere-shaped devices and reached the red button. He pressed it, and the monster smasher started to glow. The monsters leaped at it trying to get it, so the threw it far away onto the red, flat surface of the ground 40 feet away. The monsters started to fight. One larger one scraped at the small one with its long, flesh-ripping claws out. The small one started to bleed. The medium-sized one started to attack the small one, while the biggest monster picked up the monster smasher. The little one hit the big one, but it was hurt badly and it didn’t even hit the monster. The big monster started to eat the monster smasher, so Oo activated and threw another one. There was only one monster left, because the big one was in flames and the small one was so badly wounded that it couldn’t even walk. The remaining monster started to run after Oo. As Oo ran to the City Protection Center, he threw a monster smasher behind him. Though the monster ate it and was destroyed, he could see more monsters approaching. He arrived at the building and told them about the monsters. The huge central shield generator was activated and he could see monsters outside trying to break inside. Everyone came out with monster smashers to prepare for the battle. Over the speakers, a voice said, “Deactivating shields in 5 onghous (1 onghous = 2.45 seconds)... 4... 3... 2... 1…” Then, the shield deactivated, and monsters poured into the city. XII The Battle of Ferlanterpec Waves of monsters started heading for buildings, while Fanlintropacians threw monster smashers. Even though there were about 90 monsters and only 60 Fanlintropacians, in the monsters’ fights for the monster smashers, the monsters weakened or even killed each other. Soon, 20 monsters were gone, and 7 Fanlintropacians. Only 70 monsters were left, against 53 Fanlintropacians. The battle may have seemed safer to some people, hiding in buildings and throwing monster smashers, but if a monster arrived at the building, to escape would be harder. But another group of 40 monsters arrived. In the City Protection Center, they were calling for reinforcements, because too many monsters were attacking. When the ships arrived, the number of monsters was down to 10, but then 60 more came from the nearby red-colored hills. The ships, which were a new model with special supply dropping mechanisms, dropped off new monster smashers and then landed. 20 Fanlintropacians got out of each ship, and with 3 ships, in total 60 more Fanlintropacians arrived. Then, the ships rose into the air and began to fire lasers at the monsters, except one, which went back to Fanlintropac to inform them that the reinforcements had successfully arrived. In about half a day, there were no more monsters and everything was back to normal. XIII Creatonia’s Exploration A solar system away from Ferlanterpec, on Creatonia, the Fanlintropacians were exploring the planet. Even though the planet was discovered a long time ago in the Old Times, Creatonia still didn’t have much Fanlintropacian civilization. Now, they discovered the deserts and built cities, with zoompod tracks connecting through the regular jungles to the more mountainous regions of the jungles, where the first cities were made. Also, they discovered the Oliyol Ocean (“Oliyol” means “the deepest”), later shortened to the “Oil Ocean”. More species of animals and creatures, too, were discovered, including Redcrested Vanchy, Aimtail, and Tabutata (Tah - boo - Tah) (Translated from Fanlintropacian). Soon, Creatonia actually became the planet with the second largest population of Fanlintropacians (Fanlintropac with the first). For a long time (in Earth time 1 year), no monsters were spotted and Creatonia lived in peace. Then there came the largest attack of monsters in Fanlintropacian history. XIV The Invasion of Creatonia The monsters came from everywhere, even from other solar systems, to a planet where the monsters meet. The monsters decided to invade Creatonia first. They planned to leave at the same time and land at the same time and attack. Then, the monsters left, about 1,000 of them going to Creatonia. On Creatonia, the ship detector spotted huge amounts of strange things entering the atmosphere. Everyone was worried and wondered what they could be. But then, the leader of the main city, Zoopioho, remembered something from about a year ago: the monsters. “Quick! Get out monster smashers! They have come again to attack!” Zoopioho called ships from Fanlintropac to help and bring monster smashers. The shields around the cities were activated. Then, the monsters landed. Luckily, the monsters didn’t know about the desert exploration so they didn’t attack there, but the jungle cities were quickly destroyed, even though the shields were up. They were not strong enough to survive the destruction of the monsters, and many broke soon after the monsters arrived. It seemed like the entire jungle valley would be destroyed, but then 40 more Fanlintropacian ships that came. They dropped monster smashers from above and fired lasers at the monsters. It seemed like they could finally save the cities, but another group of monsters came. They completely destroyed two cities, so only three remained. In the deserts, people were sent with monster smashers on the zoompod tracks to the jungles. More and more people came to help, but still more monsters arrived. After one whole day, all the monsters were destroyed. Only two cities were still there, and it took a very long time to repair the damage, but so many monsters left to attack that the Fanlintropacians were never bothered by the Old Monsters again. All the ones that were left were scared or didn’t know anything about the Fanlintropacians. But the New Monsters were waiting just a little bit further into the future, and just now, they were lurking in undiscovered red-rock caves, hidden somewhere where the Fanlintropacians would soon look. Part II The Secret of Ferlanterpec XV The Discovery of the Red Caverns Ferlanterpec had stayed very similar throughout the year with no monsters and even through the invasion on Creatonia. But now, the entire Part II of this story is completely about a new discovery there and all of the strange and dangerous things that happened as a result of it. The planet only had the one city (mentioned earlier in The Discovery of Ferlanterpec), and because of this, Fanlintropac was exploring more and even hoping to build another city. Though this might not seem important yet, the Ferlanterpec Laboratory of Battle Vehicles was also added in some hills far outside the city, and it plays a big part later in the story. The very first event that started everything was when some miners were searching for valuable minerals in an area by the city. Nothing strange was happening, until the mineral detector spotted some kind of large underground cave system. They began to dig a hole using the automatic mining drill. When they broke into the system, it was very different than what the miners had imagined. Unlike many normal caves, these ones had smooth rock walls, reddish-orange in color. The caves were more like tunnels, and they had perfect right angled corners. The tunnels did not seem natural at all, more like some building made by the Fanlintropacians. The miners contacted scientists and explorers about these strange caverns to try and find out more. They didn’t want to go in there without knowing anything about what creature or thing was inside. No Fanlintropacians knew anything about what could have made these amazingly perfect caves. It definitely was made by some kind of living thing. Everyone, including people on other planets like Creatonia or Fanlintropac, wondered the same thing: “What kind of creature could have made this?” Then, when they started exploring the tunnels, they found out. The Fanlintropacians were only a few days away from finding the New Monsters. XVI The Monsters of the Caverns The explorers found that a group of miners found a cave system outside Ferlanterpec City, and they wanted them to go down and see what it was about. They arrived in a few days, and landed in the Ferlanterpec City Spaceport. Soon, they got to the caves. As the explorers entered, they were amazed at really seeing the tunnels with their own eyes. They had seen images and read about the place of course, but seeing it in real life was such an awesome experience. At first, there was nothing but the twisting tunnels, but then, a scuttling sound echoed across the walls. It got louder and louder as they got deeper. Then, right in front of them, six glowing turquoise eyes appeared. The Fanlintropacians started to back away. Then, they saw its body. It had 10 insect-like legs, 5 on each side, and a long, scaled body. It had 2 claw-like fangs and a row of black spines along its back. It was twice as tall as a Fanlintropacian. The creature screeched and its spines glowed the color of its eyes: a fluorescent turquoise. The smooth, red-orange walls were dimly illuminated with the blue light. The monster jumped at the explorers and sank its fangs into one of the explorers. He started bleeding, and his body started to disintegrate from the acidic poison injected by the spear-like teeth of the monster. While this was happening, the other Fanlintropacians left the cave as fast as they could. They closed the hole and quickly returned back. The other explorers returned the next day, but this time they brought weapons. They didn’t find anything until two days after. Then, they found 4 of the monsters! Three of them looked like the one they had seen previously, but one was even larger. It had far more spines and its armor-like scales were thicker. A turquoise light spilled out from cracks between them. Then, the monsters attacked. They threw a monster smasher, but the monster took no notice. It just stared at them with its cold turquoise eyes.Then, the large monster’s front legs began to glow a blue color. A bolt of electricity flew from its claws at the Fanlintropacian explorers. They jumped away just before it hit the coral colored ground. The hard rock began to steam. Quickly, before the monsters could attack again, the explorers ran towards the exit. The huge, insect-like creatures followed, but the Fanlintropacians left before it could harm them. Just before they closed the roof door, they dropped an exploration drone into the caverns. In one of the corners of the red tunnels, the drone found some large black eggs. They were in a cluster, and had a black shell with glowing turquoise cracks. It sent photos of the eggs to the Advanced Alien Study laboratory of Fanlintropac. Some scientists there decided that the drone should take 1 egg back to the surface. Then, they would bring it to Fanlintropac for study. A team of Fanlintropacians was sent to open the blocked hole. The robot picked up an egg and began to exit the cave. The team carefully brought the egg back to Ferlanterpec City. A ship was getting prepared to leave to Fanlintropac, and the team loaded the egg onto it. The ship flew away into the sky, starting the journey to Fanlintropac. XVII The Egg Part 1 In the city of Zowlaao, Fanlintropac (Zow - LAAO), a ship landed. The doors slid open and an egg was carried out. It was brought to a laboratory to study for 3 days. When they found that it was not dangerous, they put it in the Zowlaao Museum of Alien Artifacts and Materials. It stayed there for a long time. When they were examining the egg in the laboratory, they found that its turquoise glowing cracks only glowed in darkness, or under light level 50 (Fanlintropacian measurement). In light levels any higher, the cracks would fade and blend in with the black shell. The egg would generate a warmth around it, probably there from its habitat in the cool underground tunnels to keep the baby monsters warm. Something even more strange than the glowing cracks and warmth was that there was no living thing inside, or it seemed, but they decided that “It is a good sign because we have no risk of any problem of something evil hatching from there,” (quote translated from Fanlintropacian, by a Zowlaao Alien Studies Laboratory Scientist) The egg was about 4 feet tall, but a normal size for a creature as huge as the ones from Ferlanterpec. It was very odd. In the Zowlaao museum, the egg was in a special room in a glass case. Every night, a Fanlintropacian would check to make sure that there was nothing living inside the egg using a special life sensor. But it was always the same. Back on Ferlanterpec, another strange thing was happening. XVIII Sounds in the Deep Far down beneath the surface of Ferlanterpec, a team of explorers were finding their way through the maze-like underground tunnels. The further down they got, the more signs of the creatures there were. Soon, at every turn or corner there would be a pile of the glowing, turquoise-cracked eggs. Then, there was another sound that got louder and louder. It was a hissing noise, and sometimes there would be a scuttling sound. The strange thing was that they didn’t see any creatures during the whole trip. That seemed good, but the noises they heard sounded evil. At first, the Fanlintropacians’ lights were the only source of light, but then, as they got deeper underground, a faint blue light started emerging. It got brighter and brighter, while the sounds got louder. Soon, the light was so bright they could easily see without their cave-lights. “We should go back,” said one of the explorers, “It seems like something dangerous will be coming.” But everyone else disagreed. “We need to find out what this is,” someone said, “If we know what’s happening down here, we could make this planet safer.” They continued on. More of the light seemed to come from a larger tunnel on the right. They turned down that way. “I’m not sure that we should be-” The Fanlintropacian stopped. He saw it. XIX The Egg Part 2 It was a regular night in the city of Zowlaao, Fanlintropac. The entire place was silent, except for the sound of footsteps in the Zowlaao Museum of Alien Artifacts and Materials. The security guard entered the Egg Room. Like normal, in the dark, it was glowing. Like normal, it was warm. The guard placed the life detector machine on the egg. He expected the light to be red, meaning that there was no life. But instead it was green. “IT’S ALIVE! SOMETHING IS IN THERE!!!” he screamed. The emergency ship landed and they loaded the egg onto it. The ship would immediately leave to get to Creatonia because there was a large cave system there that they could put the egg into so when it hatched the monster couldn’t hurt anyone unless it traveled very far to the Fanlintropacian cities. The trip was not too long. Soon, they were entering Creatonia’s atmosphere. Everything was working perfectly and the ship was almost at the landing area. But then, the egg started to crack. XX The Cavern of Ferlanterpec The explorers saw a huge cave room, over 300 feet across. The walls were red rocks and in the top there was a huge hole that went all the way to the surface, the source of the light. But the most amazing thing was what was inside of the enormous room. In the middle was a monster 10 times as large as a normal one. It had rows of glowing turquoise spines on its back and huge, black scales. It was making the loud sound, which was a hissing noise, and fighting with another creature even larger. They were on a giant, circular, red-orange platform that was raised above a gigantic crowd of smaller sized monsters watching. The larger monster smashed its long leg at the smaller one. It moved away, avoiding the other’s attack. The smaller monster’s leg charged with electricity, like before when the Fanlintropacians encountered one in the caves, and shot a stream of blue at the larger one. The bigger monster blocked it with the back of its metal-hard head. Then the larger monster smashed its leg into the other one’s face. It started bleeding, but it still attacked. It charged at the larger monster and knocked it over, then speared its belly with its leg. While the smaller monster was doing this, the larger one was charging its legs. They glowed and shimmered turquoise. Seeing this, the smaller one backed away. The raised coral-colored platform was now covered with blood, so the monsters began to slip. Their legs could grip and climb walls easily, but they were not good in liquid. The small one saw that the other deactivated its electricity because it couldn’t aim when it was slipping, so it knocked the large monster off the rock formation. The monster fell into a large ravine surrounding the platform and was never seen again. The monsters in the crowd were focused on the battle and hadn’t seen the Fanlintropacians, but now they started to leave the giant cavern, which meant they might find the explorers. As they began to leave, one of the creatures looked in their direction. When it saw them, it shrieked and all of the monsters moved even faster, heading to the surface. XXI The Egg Part 3 “We need to land!” people were screaming. Everyone on the ship carrying the egg was scared. At any moment, the egg could hatch and the monster could come out. It did. The ship started to shake from the moving of the monster in the egg room. They locked the doors to the room to delay it from attacking. “Quick! Jump out!” said one of the Fanlintropacians, named Zaa. He and two of his friends, all about 40 Fanlintropac years old, put on jetpacks and jumped out of the window. The ship crashed into a mountain slope behind them. “The monster was hopefully destroyed in the crash,” said Ferlanto, another person on the ship. “We need to call a new ship so we can get back to Zowlaao, though.” When the ship arrived, they got inside and were about to leave when they saw something moving from the crash site. It looked about the size of a Fanlintropacian, but no Fanlintropacian could have survived a crash that huge. Finally, they realized what it was, but it was too late. The monster saw the ship and started moving towards it. They got into the air just as the huge alien swiped at their space engines. One was completley destroyed and caught on fire. They had to detach it. Once it came off, the ship was unbalanced so the Fanlintropacians removed the other two as well. That meant that they couldn’t travel long distances in space. Before the monster attacked again, the group flew up to avoid it and tried to attack it with the ship’s built-in high powered lasers, but the streams of hot light just bounced off of the monster’s scales.The monster realized that it couldn’t destroy the ship. The Fanlintropacians, too, realized that they couldn’t destroy the monster... unless they called more ships with stronger weapons. The group called Ferlanterpec, the home of a large flamethrower ship factory on the planet. But something was very wrong. No one was answering, and, instead of someone asking them what they wanted, there were sounds of explosions and screaming. Then, someone finally answered. “Help! We’re being attacked!” XXII The Second Invasion of Ferlanterpec For the second time, Ferlanterpec was attacked. The first time, it was the terrible “Old Monsters” as they were called now. This time, the new monsters from the evil caverns were climbing up onto the reddish rock surface. All of the city’s shields were up, and everyone was collecting all of their weapons. “Quick, get something to help, even plasma saws,” said some people, “We need to get ready before the shields break!” The monsters were trying to enter the shields, so they wouldn’t last much longer. When everyone was ready, people began to deactivate the shields. Some ships from Fanlintropac were headed there to help in the battle as well. The evil creatures began to enter the city. Fanlintropacian flamethrower ships poured out of factories and rose into the air. Other ships from Fanlintropac were entering the atmosphere. The battle began. The monsters were found harder to defeat than expected. When flamethrower ships rained superheated fire on them, their black, armor-like scales were hard and thick enough to not let any of it through. Even though the monsters were powerful, the Fanlintropacians began to use a strategy to destroy them. People on the ground would break the monster’s armor with their huge plasma-saws, then flamethrower ships would shoot fire at the monsters. The plasma-saws were mainly used in wood farming before the battle, but later others would use the idea and fight with the powerful saws. Everything was going well. Only about 20 monsters remained, and they were weakened. More ships entered. Then, from the deepest of the red caverns, far beneath the ground of Ferlanterpec, larger monsters, much older and more powerful than the normal ones, began to climb. They crashed through the surface, the small cracks in their armor, their evil skin, glowing turquoise in the dark night. Their tough, armor-plated skin was so hard that even the strongest plasma-saws couldn’t break their scales. When they thought that they were about to win, the Fanlintropacians were losing. XXIII The Plasma Bombers An alert came to the Ferlanterpec Laboratory of Battle Vehicles. The city was suddenly being attacked by the new monsters! “We have to do something,” thought Alswallcealc, the person who received the alert. He contacted the Fanlintropacians who sent out the ships. “Send a fleet of 30 ships to get to the city NOW! It’s being attacked!” The metal doors in the red-orange cliff face, the location of the laboratory, slid up and 30 ships zoomed out and lowered down to ground level. They were the newest model of plasma bombers. These ships had fast, new turbo boosters and could fly extremely fast in the air, but this time they stayed close to the ground to hide from the monsters so they wouldn’t see when they arrived. With the rocky hills and canyons of the planet, it was hard for the ships to see, so there were observer drones flying high above, whose video could be seen on screens in the ships. One of the pilots, Zalomincheoa, looked down at his screen and could see that they had arrived. The ships began to rise into the sky and prepared to attack. In the city, people could see small ships flying high in the air. They had come to save the city! The plasma bombers had the highest powered lasers ever made by Fanlintropacians, almost melting every monster they touched. The monsters were defeated and fell onto the ground. Ferlanterpec was safe again. But on Creatonia, there was still something going on. Something they had forgotten about. Something important. XXIV The Egg Part 4 The New Monsters are very different than many other living things. They lay eggs just 2 ½ Fanlintropac days after they hatch, then they grow for another 15 Fanlintropac years, then have more eggs, then after 150 Fanlintropac years they finally have more eggs. They then continue to grow for 30 more Fanlintropac years, then stay the same size. There is actually nothing living inside the eggs until about 25 more Fanlintropac days. Then, in only 1 more day, the egg hatches. The process is sped up to only 8 when the egg sees light because of strange, unknown reactions inside of it. This happened to the monster on Creatonia. “I think it’s going into a cave! We need to get inside too,” said Zaa, a Fanlintropacian. His friend, Ferlanto, disagreed. “If we follow the monster in there, it could reach us and destroy our ship!” He noticed that the monster could easily reach the cavern ceiling. “I think that we should go to the jungle cities to get some help.” The third person, Azao, also said, “That is a great idea. They could supply us with new ships.” The ship started to leave. They were quickly speeding towards the city when the ship hit a low-hanging branch. There was a loud clang and the ship crashed to the ground. One of the wings of the ship was broken off. “We’ll have to walk there,” said Zaa, “it’s too hard to repair the ship, and if we did finish, by that time we’d already be there.” The group left the crash site and found the direction of the city. It would take about a day to reach it. The dense jungle had huge, vine-covered trees and rivers with green, moss-like plants on the side. Brilliant flowers were dotted around the shrubby ground. “Wow,” Ferlanto said, “I didn’t know that Creatonia was like this. I’ve never been outside the main cities before.” Only one of them, Azao, had seen these gigantic rainforests. He had worked on repairing the ruins of the cities after the Old Monster attacks and came from the deserts on a zoompod. Though the zoompod passed cities and buildings, mostly it went through the unpopulated forests. The group had walked for about three hours when it started to become evening. They needed to find shelter before night came, because there were many unknown things that could be hostile lurking around in the shadowy trees. It would be easy to find some place, though, because there were so many large trees, plant growth, and caves. Zaa found, on the right of the path, a huge, moss-covered tree with large, tall, spread out roots, and leaves hanging over them. This was an ideal shelter, with rain protection, and they stayed and rested there for the night. Azao awoke about halfway through the night, hearing a strange sound coming from the left, the way they had come. It was a quiet shriek. He looked out from behind a large, curved rock away from the tree. The sound got closer. A tall, pillar-like shape emerged from the shadows of the dark green leaves among the outer edges of the tree-clearing. Azao ran back to the tree. The monster had found them! He was about to awaken the others when he realized that this was only a vanchy, a peaceful creature found in the deep jungles which eats small vinches and other insects on Creatonia. Azao was extremely relieved. After that, the night passed without any more problems. In the morning, they continued again. XXV A New Solar System The Fanlintropacian space probe was flying through space. It was exploring a distant solar system, the place where a possible life planet was found. The probe flew towards that planet now, sending the video of the enormous sphere back to Fanlintropac. Huge rings of asteroids and dust circled around it. On Fanlintropac, the scientists were studying the probe’s video closely. The planet was there! The spacecraft moved closer to the planet and they discovered that this planet, lick Creatonia and Fanlintropac, had a breathable oxygen atmosphere. It had more life than Creatonia, which was the planet with the most life discovered by Fanlintropacians so far. This planet would be perfect to make a city. In 3 days, a ship was getting ready to leave. It was huge and carried supplies, food, and extra fuel. This was the longest flight of a Fanlintropacian ship, as it went to a planet extremely far away. It was a Fanlintropacian tradition to name the new planet the moment that the people entered the first ship to go there. Just as the crew of 45 Fanlintropacians stepped onto the ship, the naming people decided that the planet would be called Zentalompur (zen-TAL-im-purr), meaning “distant place”. Then, the ship flew up into the sky and off to a new planet that could someday be full of people living there. It was a long flight. When they finally arrived, the Fanlintropacians were amazed. This new planet was like a larger Creatonia with huge jungles and deep oceans. They landed on a sandy desert mesa with large, white rocks. There was some plant growth, bent and twisted shrubs with grayish green leaves. Far from the desert mesas, there were large tropical rainforests with tall trees and leafy vines. “This would be a perfect place to build cities,” though some people. No one realized that the sun was red. XXVI The Egg Part 5 After they rested for the night, the group continued to the city. Azao told them about his encounter with the vanchy. “Wow! I would have just grabbed a stick and attacked it before I knew anything about what it was,” Zaa said. Azao replied, “You do know that if you harm a vanchy it will probably attack you. You don’t want is poisonous acid to touch you when it’s angry!” Vanchy were large, tall creatures with 5 to 10 legs. Their tough skin is green and covered with glands that release acid when it is angry. Their heads are normally brightly colored so that the animal can hide in the pantly flowers, which are huge plants with large leaves. Normally they are peaceful creatures, eating vinches and other insects, but when attacked, a vanchy can be dangerous with its poisonous acid glands. “I know,” said Zaa, “but I still just probably would have hit it, thinking it’s the monster from the cave.” The group kept walking. “I heard a few days ago they were going to launch a space probe to a possible planet that we could use. I wonder what happened with that,” Ferlanto said. “I’m pretty sure they already sent it out,” Zaa replied. After about half a day of walking through the jungle, they started to see some towers from the city on the horizon. They didn’t have to go that far, though, because there was a small city much closer. Its name was Zhutelop. Zhutelop (zoo-TELL-op) was such a small city that it didn’t even have a zoompod track! That was surprising because the zoompod system was the most used system of transportation, other than ships. The Fanlintropacians knew that they had arrived when they saw some smaller towers right ahead of them. There were fewer trees and the Fanlintropacians came out into the open of a small walking road. They headed towards the largest building, the city protection building, and told them about the monster. The people there had some battle ships and agreed to give 3 flamethrower ships to the group. They started to fly back to the cave, not knowing the evil that awaited them. XXVII The Red Giant of Zentalompur Cities were being built on Zentalompur. The entire planet was covered in them. Almost 35 billion Fanlintropacians lived there, not even including people from other planets working there. The planet, even though it was huge, could definitely not fit this many people. They needed a new place to live, so an exploration ship was sent out to explore another planet in this solar system. It flew to the planet. It was not a great place to live on, with huge storms and earthquakes. As the ship returned, mid-flight, one of the crew noticed that something was wrong with the sun. It was huge and red. When they reached Zentalompur, they informed the Planet Security Inspection. They launched a sun probe to find out more. It left quickly, heading for the enormous ball of heat and fire. XXVIII The Egg Part 6 “We’re close to the cave,” said Azao. From the shady depths of the rainforest forest, they could see the bright clearing, with the cliff and cave behind it. The ships broke through the thick trees into the open, grassy area. “Should we go into the cave with the ships, or is it too dangerous?” asked Ferlanto. Zaa said, “I think we can. The ships’ flame could easily destroy the monster.” They entered the cavern. The ships silently glided through the dark hole. Then, there was a screech. 5 small black figures jumped at the ships! They were babies of the monster! The evil creatures attacked while the Fanlintropacians sprayed fire from the ships. Their scales were not fully grown, so the flames disintegrated them. “How did that happen?” asked Azao, “I think they’re babies!” Even though the ships destroyed the miniature monsters, it was not good that the monster already had babies. That meant that the terrible cave creatures must grow extremely fast. It could be a large problem because the monster might even be twice as strong as it used to be. For a while, nothing happened. The three vessels flew through the cave. The black rock walls started to get further apart, and the ceiling got higher. The cavern was getting bigger. Far down inside, they could see a pale blue light around a curve in the tunnel. When they got closer, they realized that it was a huge egg! “We need to destroy it,” Zaa said, “It would be useful not to have all kinds of baby monsters attacking us, or even worse: coming out and attacking the cities!” The ships sprayed superhot flame at the eggs. They shriveled up into slightly glowing ash and burned. To avoid the fire, the ships moved to the right, hitting the rock wall in the process. As they continued down the tunnel, the noise of the ships scraping on the wall echoed loudly down the cave. XXIX The Ruins of Zentalompur “No!” said the leader of the Protection Group of Zentalompur. “This can’t be possible!” He had just realized that the sun was going to explode in under half a day! Zoracha, a 50 Fanlintropac year old wood-artist, was eating a meal at the local food shop. He was enjoying some fruit imported from Creatonia. He was just wondering how the fruit could stay good for so long when an alarm started flashing. People ran outside and into the streets. “Get to the ships,” people yelled. Zoracha started running as well. Suddenly, in the sky, there was a huge, white flash. Zoracha reached his ship. He ran inside and it started to rise into the air when there was a massive explosion. Everything was on fire. The world was being superheated. The ship barely escaped the explosions and flame. As Zoracha looked out the back window, he could see the sun, an enormous fireball with broken planets and burning wreckage around it. Many other ships left as well. That place would, in the future, be called the Ruins of Zentalompur, a huge field of destroyed rock and asteroids. Zentalompur and its whole solar system was gone. XXX The Ship on Azokowant Zoracha wanted to find another good home. He thought, “Azokowant only has a few small cities and there aren’t any problems with monsters there. It would be nice.” Zoracha decided that was where he would go. He found a 20th floor house in one of the towers in Zenpalw (many Fanlintropacians live in each tower and they each get their own floor). The room had a small balcony connected to the zoompod track and, on the floor beneath that, was a public ship landing area that anyone could use. The tower was on the edge of the city, with the forest on the left and the cliffs behind it. One day, Zoracha explored the paths made recently to easily access some newly discovered natural pools. He thought it sounded cool and would be interesting to go. Zoracha got to Zenpalw the next day, and the day after that, he went to the forest. The trees were short, with white bark and light-green, circular leaves. The ground had short grasses and fuzzy moss. Large, woolly, bear-like creatures were walking around the forest. Their light-brown fur camouflaged with the dirt patches on the ground. Zoracha followed the hard tuhenlau path. When he arrived at the pools, he was very excited. There were 2 lower ones, circular and clear in the light gray stone shores, with a small, trickling waterfall coming from an upper pool. They were all about 15 feet wide. Small rock plants grew near the water. More woolly animals peacefully walked around on grassy hills and clearings in the forest, some drinking from the refreshing pools’ water. Zoracha was very happy. This place was great! When it finally began to get dark, he went home, but he decided to come back tomorrow morning. The next morning, Zoracha took the zoompod track to the edge of the forest. Just as he began to get out of the zoompod, he hered a ship behind him. As he turned to look, he noticed that the ship, high in the sky above the town, was huge! It was large and flat, a circular shape. Zoracha remembered these ships were normally used for carrying large or dangerous things. The ship began to slowly land in the center of the city. Instead of going to the forest pools, Zoracha headed back inside the Zoompod and took the track back to the central landing area, where he found the spacecraft just touching the ground. “I wonder what the ship is for,” he thought. XXXI The Crystals The ship slowly landed onto the tuhenlau platform. Groups of workers came from a nearby building and got ready. The door in the ship opened and a large, transparent container was carried out. Zoracha watched as Fanlintropacians brought the container out and started to go to a nearby building. Inside were aqua green crystals. They were like hexagonal sticks connected together. He tried to get closer, but someone approached and said, “Don’t get any closer. The crystals could be dangerous. Our machines detected an unknown substance inside.” Zoracha stepped back and watched as the crystals were transported inside the closest building. Then, he went back into the zoompod. He entered his building code and went home. The scientists crowded around the crystal room. To test if it was safe to touch, they released a vinch-crab, a small, luminescent creature commonly found in deep pools on Creatonia, into the room. At first, the vinch-crab moved about in the room and looked around. Then, when it saw the large, turquoise minerals, it started to approach. It began to move faster. When it reached the crystals, it touched one. A strange transformation occurred in its leg, quickly spreading. Its skin hardened into black armor. Its green shell cracked off. The vinch-crab’s eyes bulged and turned blue. Three more eyes sprouted out of its skin on top of its head. It swelled 3 times its size and rows of spies broke through the thick skin on its elongated back. Then, the monster tore apart the crystals. It bit through them with its new rows of razor-sharp teeth. It grew even larger, then screamed. XXXII A Mutant Animal Part 1 Zoracha was starting to feel hungry, so he went down into the main city to eat. When he reached his favorite food shop however, it was closed. Inside, he heard strange sounds, like breaking glass and crashing metal. Through the dark glass, Zoracha saw turquoise lights. He didn’t know that they were eyes. The mutant vinch-crab had crashed through the room walls after hurting 2 Fanlintropacians, breaking into the nearby food shop. The creature smashed tables and chairs, sending them flying across the room and shattering against the wall. Then, suddenly, it stopped. The vinch-crab smelled something better than these fruits and dried breads. It smelled fresh, living, meat. The monster began to crawl through the ruined shop towards the smell, towards Zoracha. Zoracha saw the lights get closer. Then, as they were almost to the transparent glass, he realized that the two lights belonged to a creature! Zoracha backed up. The glass shattered, spraying tiny shards through the air, and a massive black monster with glowing, green-blue eyes crashed to the ground. Zoracha turned towards the zoompod station behind him and ran. He could hear the monster close behind. He ran even faster. XXXIII Cavern of Creatonia The monster awoke from its sleep. A sound of metal against stone echoed down into the small lower room from the tunnels. There was some creature up there, and it might hurt the monster’s eggs. The monster started to crawl up the tunnel. It then saw lights ahead. The main cavern continued down. As the Fanlintropacians got deeper, there was less light, so they turned on the ship’s front lights. Some more glowing eggs and baby monsters were found. They were easily destroyed. But then, as the flamethrower ships rounded a corner, they saw the big monster. It was 2 or 3 times larger than when it first went into the cave. The huge monster saw the ships and jumped at them, scraping the metal bottom of Ferlanto’s ship. They tried shooting fire at the monster, but it did nothing. Lasers just bounced off the monster’s scales. The monster was too powerful. XXXIV A Mutant Animal Part 2 Zoracha was almost to the zoompod station. The monster was close behind, smashing things in its way. People saw the monster and ran away. Zoracha got to the station. Just as the monster leaped at him, he slid the glass door closed. Zoracha went into the zoompod and watched through the windows as the monster destroyed the glass. The zoompod slowly started to move as the monster jumped into the station. The zoompod almost left the station when the monster jumped onto the zoompod! It began to move faster, but the monster tore into the back window and gripped onto the metal bottom. The zoompod moved even more quickly. Zoracha saw the monster in the back trying to get in. He picked up a shard of glass, throwing it at the monster, whose head was above the zoompod. The glass shattered on the monster’s scales and fell down. Then, the zoompod slowed and a recorded voice said, “Welcome to your destination.” (in Fanlintropacian). The doors slid open, and Zoracha quickly got out onto his 20th story balcony. But the monster, before the machine reached full speed back to the station, jumped onto the balcony! Zoracha quickly opened the door, rushed inside, then closed it. He could hear faintly the monster bashing on the balcony window. The windows were made of double-layer, powerful glass. They would not break. But the wall was made of tuhenlau. While tuhenlao was strong, it could be sliced easily, which was the reason it was used in construction. If the monster figured out to cut blocks out of the wall, it could get in. Zoracha looked around the main room, trying to find something. There it was! Zoracha, before living on Azokowant, used to be a wood-artist. He would carve wood and sell it to the nearby art store. They did have machines now that even randomly chose designs and combined other designs, but they were never as good as handmade wood art. Most wood-artists, including Zoracha, cut wood with plasma saws. In front of Zoracha was his old plasma saw! He learned that in the Battle of Ferlanterpec, people used them as weapons against the monsters. Just as Zoracha picked it up, he heard a cutting sound. Behind him, he saw the monster push a large cube out of the wall into the house. The monster started to crawl in.